Recipe: Ultimate Hurricane Cocktail – A Mardi Gras Favorite

Imagine this: You’re strolling down the vibrant streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras, the air is filled with jazz music, and you’re holding the most tantalizing drink – a Hurricane Cocktail. This drink is not just a beverage; it’s an experience, a burst of sweet, fruity flavors with a rum kick that transports you directly to Bourbon Street.

Recipe: Ultimate Hurricane Cocktail – A Mardi Gras Favorite
Whether you’re hosting a Mardi Gras party or simply looking to recreate this classic at home, this recipe is for those who love to explore bold flavors. It’s surprisingly easy to make and guaranteed to impress your guests. Grab your shaker, and let’s bring a taste of New Orleans to your home!
  • 2 oz light rum
  • 2 oz dark rum
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1 oz orange juice
  • 2 oz passion fruit juice
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup
  • 1/2 oz grenadine
  • Ice
  • Orange slices and cherries for garnish
Gather Your Ingredients

Start by gathering all the ingredients you need for your Hurricane Cocktail. This includes both light and dark rum, lime juice, orange juice, passion fruit juice, simple syrup, grenadine, and, of course, ice. Don’t forget the orange slices and cherries for garnish!

Mix the Ingredients

In a shaker, combine the light rum, dark rum, lime juice, orange juice, passion fruit juice, simple syrup, and grenadine. If you don’t own a cocktail shaker, any large jar with a tight-sealing lid will work as a great alternative.

Shake Well

Fill your shaker halfway with ice. Secure the lid and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds. Shaking not only chills the drink but also ensures that all the flavors meld together beautifully.


Strain the cocktail into a large glass filled with ice. The traditional Hurricane glass is preferred, but any large glass will do. Add a splash more grenadine for that iconic sunrise effect.

Garnish and Enjoy

Garnish your Hurricane Cocktail with a slice of orange and a cherry. Serve immediately, and enjoy the taste of New Orleans no matter where you are!

Final words

Congratulations, you’ve just made a classic Hurricane Cocktail! Whether it’s Mardi Gras season or you’re simply in the mood for a refreshing, fruity drink, this recipe is sure to deliver. Thank you for following along, and we hope you love this taste of New Orleans as much as we do. For more delicious recipes and culinary adventures, be sure to explore the rest of our site. Happy mixing!


Hurricane Cocktail Recipe, Mardi Gras Drink, New Orleans Cocktail, Fruit Rum Drink

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